Agenda Automag

Du 16/12/2023 au 16/12/2023

affiche deThe 100 Miles of Bruges


The 100 Miles of Bruges

Dearest ‘The 100 Miles’ enthusiasts

It has been a while since you have heard from us, but we are back. In the meanwhile we have been enjoying some classic motoring events for ourselves.

In February we did the ‘Rally Des Foux’ in France. An enjoyable rally where you start at 5 AM in the morning and drive until noon.
And with the clear skies that a lovely winter can bring. It was of course freezing. But seeing the landscape slowly wake up around you, is quite a sight to behold.

When spring arrives it is traditionally the time where the BeForty rally is held.
This, a rally where all competitors need to be under the age of 40 and can only participate if they bring a Pre-1940 vehicle, it is quite the vibrant and boisterous atmosphere.
With participant coming from no less than 7 different countries, the organisation moves on every year.
And 2023 marked a Belgian organisation where we were happy to be part of.

Yet with these events now behind us, we will start planning for The 100 Miles again, and where we cannot confirm a location yet, we do already want to share the date.
So if you are in for a nightly rally through the Belgian countryside, we would urge you to mark Saturday December 16th in your agenda.

The recipe will mostly be unchanged, it being held during the darkest of nights, after a heartwarming dinner.
A start to the rally 8PM, where you will be taken for approximately 100 miles around the countryside.
And are expected to arrive around 2 AM back at the starting location. Challenges and interesting stops along the way are of course a must.

So if you do not want to miss the last rally of 2023, please mark December 16th in your agenda and keep an eye out to your mailbox and the website for more information.

You sincerely
The 100 Miles organisation
Lawrence & Michael Bossaert

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